Monday, June 6, 2011

Little Big Planet 2 Walkthrough - Chapter 1: Rookie Test

Little Big Planet 2 Walkthrough - Chapter 1: Rookie Test Tube. Duration : 3.35 Mins.

Walkthrough: The very first real level of Little Big Planet 2 usually serves as a tutorial mission, so use this to get used to the controls and mechanics of Sackboy. Press the "X" to skip it to jump further and tap to make a small jump and fast. Note: You can see the track leading to the wall, missing a pair of spectacles? To return to this level if you have the spec-Da-Vinci and come into the picture, you will be able to increase the percentage of bypassthe level where you have to kill you, giving you the chance to earn "Aced Level" today. The circular objects that light up when they are on the checkpoint. Every time you die, your Sackboy on the last checkpoint passed again. Then follow the instructions of Da Vinci and learning the fundamentals of the primary controls Little Big Planet. Eventually, you will have the opportunity to get some price bubbles. Make sure you collect them all, because not only give you moreThe objects and objects, but also to the "lost property" bonus, go to the net of rare items. When you reach the next area, collect the labels and then at appropriate points in the portrait. Note that in reality do not have the sticker to the right size in the vertical dimension, but you can if you want with the right stick. If you drop down, make sure you back a few steps, collect the two concepts under the platform, then keep moving. To the top...

Tags: littlebigplanet 2 walkthrough, lbp 2 walkthrough, walkthrough, hd, littlebigplanet 2, little big planet 2, gameplay, playstation 3, ps3, playstation, sony, media molecule, videogames, video games

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